SF Schloegl

Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl gives ICASEC Lecture at the XLAB Science Festival 2017

At the Science Festival 2017, organized by the XLAB – Göttinger Experimentallabor für junge Leute e.V., Prof. Schlögl Held the ICASEC lecture. In his lecture “Energiewende – was wir wollen und was wir können” Prof. Schlög discussed the challenges the “Energiewende” poses for basic research and the latest results in his research area of heterogeneous catalysis.

Prof. Schlögl is Director at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin and Founding Director at the new Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mülheim a.d. Ruhr. Robert Schlögl’s research focuses primarily on the investigation of heterogeneous catalysts, with the aim to combine scientific with technical applicability as well as on the development of nanochemically-optimized materials for energy storage. The application of knowledge-based heterogeneous catalysis for large-scale chemical energy conversion summarizes his current research focus.

For more information check the XLAB website or the flyer.