“Research is four things: Brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.” 

Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine

Funding Opportunities

One of the main goals of the ICASEC is to encourage interdisciplinary and international exchange between scientists on every level of their carrier from Göttingen and all over the world. We established several programs to support research stays abroad as well as research visits from international scientists. We will work together with our international partners, especially in the US and in China, to receive their top students in Göttingen and to send our students for enriching research experiences outside of Germany.

The Boomerang Program gives young, excellent students the opportunity to make a short research stay abroad during their master studies. Short research stays abroad of Ph.D. students and Prostdocs from Göttingen are supported within the program International Research Visits. The International Visitor Program provides funding to attract outstanding scientist to Göttingen. We want to support young scientists from Göttingen to visit international conferences to present their work (International Conference Visits). Furthermore, the ICASEC sponsors an annual Summer School on Basic Energy Science.

ICASEC wants to support new ideas for collaborative projects with material resources in order to carry out important preliminary work and increase the chances of a successful third-party funding application. Within the Kick-Off Program, we want to provide additional impetus to strengthen basic research in the field of energy.

Details of the founding opportunities can be found under the following links.