Prof. Dr. Philipp Vana
Our scientific interests are macromolecular chemistry with a focus on tailored polymer microstructures and topologies as well as kinetic and mechanistic studies of polymerisation processes. We work on biomimetic high-performance polymers, polymer brushes and films on solid surfaces, functionalised polymers, printing inks, tire materials, liquid crystal displays and UV-switchable block copolymers. We also work on kinetics and mechanisms of radical polymerisations, which are studied viapulsed laser methods coupled with highly time-resolved EPR spectroscopy as well as via computer simulations. A special focus in polymer analytics is on soft ionisation mass spectrometry, AFM, mechanical testing of polymers, ellipsometry, and IR-spectroscopy. Details can be found on our Homepage.
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Phone +49(0)551 39-12753
Mail pvana (at) uni-goettingen.de